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The 2-category of Segal types

These formalisations correspond to Section 6 of the RS17 paper.

This is a literate rzk file:

#lang rzk-1


  • — We rely on definitions of simplicies and their subshapes.
  • — We use extension extensionality.
  • - We use the notion of hom types.

Some of the definitions in this file rely on extension extensionality:

#assume extext : ExtExt


Functions between types induce an action on hom types, preserving sources and targets. The action is called ap-hom to avoid conflicting with ap.

RS17, Section 6.1
#def ap-hom
  ( A B : U)
  ( F : A → B)
  ( x y : A)
  ( f : hom A x y)
  : hom B (F x) (F y)
  := \ t → F (f t)

#def ap-hom2
  ( A B : U)
  ( F : A → B)
  ( x y z : A)
  ( f : hom A x y)
  ( g : hom A y z)
  ( h : hom A x z)
  (α : hom2 A x y z f g h)
  : hom2 B (F x) (F y) (F z)
    ( ap-hom A B F x y f) (ap-hom A B F y z g) (ap-hom A B F x z h)
  := \ t → F (α t)

Functions between types automatically preserve identity arrows. Preservation of identities follows from extension extensionality because these arrows are pointwise equal.

RS17, Proposition 6.1.a
#def functors-pres-id uses (extext)
  ( A B : U)
  ( F : A → B)
  ( x : A)
  : ( ap-hom A B F x x (id-hom A x)) = (id-hom B (F x))
      ( extext)
      ( 2)
      ( Δ¹)
      ( ∂Δ¹)
      ( \ t → B)
      ( \ t recOR (t  0₂ ↦ F x , t  1₂ ↦ F x))
      ( ap-hom A B F x x (id-hom A x))
      ( id-hom B (F x))
      ( \ t refl)

Preservation of composition requires the Segal hypothesis.

RS17, Proposition 6.1.b
#def functors-pres-comp
  ( A B : U)
  ( is-segal-A : is-segal A)
  ( is-segal-B : is-segal B)
  ( F : A → B)
  ( x y z : A)
  ( f : hom A x y)
  ( g : hom A y z)
    ( comp-is-segal B is-segal-B
      ( F x) (F y) (F z)
      ( ap-hom A B F x y f)
      ( ap-hom A B F y z g))
    ( ap-hom A B F x z (comp-is-segal A is-segal-A x y z f g))
    uniqueness-comp-is-segal B is-segal-B
      ( F x) (F y) (F z)
      ( ap-hom A B F x y f)
      ( ap-hom A B F y z g)
      ( ap-hom A B F x z (comp-is-segal A is-segal-A x y z f g))
      ( ap-hom2 A B F x y z f g
        ( comp-is-segal A is-segal-A x y z f g)
        ( witness-comp-is-segal A is-segal-A x y z f g))

Natural transformations

This corresponds to Section 6.2 in [RS17].

Given two simplicial maps f g : (x : A) → B x , a natural transformation from f to g is an arrow η : hom ((x : A) → B x) f g between them.

#def nat-trans
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( f g : (x : A) → (B x))
  : U
  := hom ((x : A) → (B x)) f g

Equivalently , natural transformations can be determined by their components , i.e. as a family of arrows (x : A) → hom (B x) (f x) (g x).

#def nat-trans-components
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( f g : (x : A) → (B x))
  : U
  := ( x : A) → hom (B x) (f x) (g x)
#def ev-components-nat-trans
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( f g : (x : A) → (B x))
  ( η : nat-trans A B f g)
  : nat-trans-components A B f g
  := \ x t → η t x

#def nat-trans-nat-trans-components
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( f g : (x : A) → (B x))
  ( η : nat-trans-components A B f g)
  : nat-trans A B f g
  := \ t x → η x t

Natural transformation extensionality

RS17, Proposition 6.3
#def is-equiv-ev-components-nat-trans
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( f g : (x : A) → (B x))
  : is-equiv
      ( nat-trans A B f g)
      ( nat-trans-components A B f g)
      ( ev-components-nat-trans A B f g)
    ( ( \ η t x → η x t , \ _ refl) ,
      ( \ η t x → η x t , \ _ refl))

#def equiv-components-nat-trans
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( f g : (x : A) → (B x))
  : Equiv (nat-trans A B f g) (nat-trans-components A B f g)
    ( ev-components-nat-trans A B f g ,
      is-equiv-ev-components-nat-trans A B f g)

Horizontal composition

Horizontal composition of natural transformations makes sense over any type. In particular , contrary to what is written in [RS17] we do not need C to be Segal.

#def horizontal-comp-nat-trans
  ( A B C : U)
  ( f g : A → B)
  ( f' g' : B → C)
  ( η : nat-trans A (\ _ → B) f g)
  ( η' : nat-trans B (\ _ → C) f' g')
  : nat-trans A (\ _ → C) (\ x → f' (f x)) (\ x → g' (g x))
  := \ t x → η' t (η t x)

#def horizontal-comp-nat-trans-components
  ( A B C : U)
  ( f g : A → B)
  ( f' g' : B → C)
  ( η : nat-trans-components A (\ _ → B) f g)
  ( η' : nat-trans-components B (\ _ → C) f' g')
  : nat-trans-components A (\ _ → C) (\ x → f' (f x)) (\ x → g' (g x))
  := \ x t → η' (η x t) t

Vertical composition

We can define vertical composition for natural transformations in families of Segal types.

#def vertical-comp-nat-trans-components
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( is-segal-B : (x : A) → is-segal (B x))
  ( f g h : (x : A) → (B x))
  ( η : nat-trans-components A B f g)
  ( η' : nat-trans-components A B g h)
  : nat-trans-components A B f h
  := \ x → comp-is-segal (B x) (is-segal-B x) (f x) (g x) (h x) (η x) (η' x)

#def vertical-comp-nat-trans
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( is-segal-B : (x : A) → is-segal (B x))
  ( f g h : (x : A) → (B x))
  ( η : nat-trans A B f g)
  ( η' : nat-trans A B g h)
  : nat-trans A B f h
    \ t x 
    vertical-comp-nat-trans-components A B is-segal-B f g h
      ( \ x' t' → η t' x')
      ( \ x' t' → η' t' x')
      ( x)
      ( t)

The identity natural transformation is identity arrows on components

RS17, Proposition 6.5(ii)
#def id-arr-components-id-nat-trans
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( f : (x : A) → (B x))
  ( a : A)
  : ( \ t → id-hom ((x : A) → B x) f t a) =_{Δ¹ → B a} id-hom (B a) (f a)
  := refl