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10. Trivial Fibrations

This is a literate rzk file:

#lang rzk-1

In what follows we show that the projection from the total space of a Sigma type is an equivalence if and only if its fibers are contractible.

#def total-space-projection
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  : ( Σ (x : A) , B x) → A
  := \ z first z

Contractible fibers

The following type asserts that the fibers of a type family are contractible.

#def contractible-fibers
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  : U
  := ((x : A) → is-contr (B x))

#section contractible-fibers-data

#variable A : U
#variable B : A → U
#variable contractible-fibers-A-B : contractible-fibers A B
The center of contraction in contractible fibers
#def contractible-fibers-section
  : (x : A) → B x
  := \ x → center-contraction (B x) (contractible-fibers-A-B x)
The section of the total space projection built from the contraction centers
#def contractible-fibers-actual-section uses (contractible-fibers-A-B)
  : (a : A) → Σ (x : A) , B x
  := \ a → (a , contractible-fibers-section a)

#def contractible-fibers-section-htpy uses (contractible-fibers-A-B)
  : homotopy A A
    ( comp A (Σ (x : A) , B x) A
      ( total-space-projection A B) (contractible-fibers-actual-section))
    ( identity A)
  := \ x refl

#def contractible-fibers-section-is-section uses (contractible-fibers-A-B)
  : has-section (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B)
  := (contractible-fibers-actual-section , contractible-fibers-section-htpy)

This can be used to define the retraction homotopy for the total space projection, called first here:

#def contractible-fibers-retraction-htpy
  : (z : Σ (x : A) , B x) →
      (contractible-fibers-actual-section) (first z) = z
    \ z 
    eq-eq-fiber-Σ A B
      ( first z)
      ( (contractible-fibers-section) (first z))
      ( second z)
      ( homotopy-contraction (B (first z)) (contractible-fibers-A-B (first z)) (second z))

#def contractible-fibers-retraction uses (contractible-fibers-A-B)
  : has-retraction (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B)
  := (contractible-fibers-actual-section , contractible-fibers-retraction-htpy)

The first half of our main result:

#def is-equiv-projection-contractible-fibers uses (contractible-fibers-A-B)
  : is-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B)
  := (contractible-fibers-retraction , contractible-fibers-section-is-section)

#def equiv-projection-contractible-fibers uses (contractible-fibers-A-B)
  : Equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A
  := (total-space-projection A B , is-equiv-projection-contractible-fibers)

#end contractible-fibers-data

Projection equivalences

From a projection equivalence, it's not hard to inhabit fibers:

#def inhabited-fibers-is-equiv-projection
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( proj-B-to-A-is-equiv : is-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B))
  ( a : A)
  : B a
    transport A B (first ((first (second proj-B-to-A-is-equiv)) a)) a
      ( (second (second proj-B-to-A-is-equiv)) a)
      ( second ((first (second proj-B-to-A-is-equiv)) a))

This is great but we need more coherence to show that the inhabited fibers are contractible; the following proof fails:

#def is-equiv-projection-implies-contractible-fibers
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( proj-B-to-A-is-equiv : is-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B))
  : contractible-fibers A B
    ( \ x → (second (first (first proj-B-to-A-is-equiv) x) ,
      ( \ u →
        second-path-Σ A B (first (first proj-B-to-A-is-equiv) x) (x , u)
          ( second (first proj-B-to-A-is-equiv) (x , u)))))
#section projection-hae-data
#variable A : U
#variable B : A → U
#variable proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence :
  is-half-adjoint-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B)
#variable w : (Σ (x : A) , B x)

We start over from a stronger hypothesis of a half adjoint equivalence.

#def projection-hae-inverse
  (a : A)
  : Σ (x : A) , B x
  := (first (first proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence)) a

#def projection-hae-base-htpy uses (B)
  (a : A)
  : (first (projection-hae-inverse a)) = a
  := (second (second (first proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence))) a

#def projection-hae-section uses (proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence)
  (a : A)
  : B a
    transport A B (first (projection-hae-inverse a)) a
      ( projection-hae-base-htpy a)
      ( second (projection-hae-inverse a))

#def projection-hae-total-htpy
  : (projection-hae-inverse (first w)) = w
  := (first (second (first proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence))) w

#def projection-hae-fibered-htpy
  : (transport A B (first ((projection-hae-inverse (first w)))) (first w)
    ( first-path-Σ A B
      ( projection-hae-inverse (first w)) w
      ( projection-hae-total-htpy))
    ( second (projection-hae-inverse (first w)))) =
    ( second w)
    second-path-Σ A B (projection-hae-inverse (first w)) w
      ( projection-hae-total-htpy)

#def projection-hae-base-coherence
  : ( projection-hae-base-htpy (first w)) =
    ( first-path-Σ A B (projection-hae-inverse (first w)) w
      ( projection-hae-total-htpy))
  := (second proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence) w

#def projection-hae-transport-coherence
  : ( projection-hae-section (first w)) =
    ( transport A B (first ((projection-hae-inverse (first w)))) (first w)
      ( first-path-Σ A B
        ( projection-hae-inverse (first w)) w
        ( projection-hae-total-htpy))
      ( second (projection-hae-inverse (first w))))
    transport2 A B (first (projection-hae-inverse (first w))) (first w)
    ( projection-hae-base-htpy (first w))
    ( first-path-Σ A B (projection-hae-inverse (first w)) w
      ( projection-hae-total-htpy))
    ( projection-hae-base-coherence)
    ( second (projection-hae-inverse (first w)))

#def projection-hae-fibered-homotopy-contraction
  : (projection-hae-section (first w)) =_{B (first w)} (second w)
    concat (B (first w))
      ( projection-hae-section (first w))
      ( transport A B
        ( first ((projection-hae-inverse (first w))))
        ( first w)
        ( first-path-Σ A B (projection-hae-inverse (first w)) w
          ( projection-hae-total-htpy))
        ( second (projection-hae-inverse (first w))))
      ( second w)
      ( projection-hae-transport-coherence)
      ( projection-hae-fibered-htpy)

#end projection-hae-data

Finally, we have:

#def contractible-fibers-is-half-adjoint-equiv-projection
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence
    : is-half-adjoint-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B))
  : contractible-fibers A B
    \ x 
      ( (projection-hae-section A B proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence x) ,
        \ u 
          A B proj-B-to-A-is-half-adjoint-equivalence (x , u))
The converse to our first result
#def contractible-fibers-is-equiv-projection
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  ( proj-B-to-A-is-equiv
    : is-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B))
  : contractible-fibers A B
    contractible-fibers-is-half-adjoint-equiv-projection A B
      ( is-half-adjoint-equiv-is-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A
        ( total-space-projection A B) proj-B-to-A-is-equiv)
The main theorem
#def projection-theorem
  ( A : U)
  ( B : A → U)
  : iff
    ( is-equiv (Σ (x : A) , B x) A (total-space-projection A B))
    ( contractible-fibers A B)
    ( \ proj-B-to-A-is-equiv 
      contractible-fibers-is-equiv-projection A B proj-B-to-A-is-equiv ,
      \ contractible-fibers-A-B 
      is-equiv-projection-contractible-fibers A B contractible-fibers-A-B)